Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
dieyna skang dah besar...
Nie ler hasil keje ku..tgk rambut dier dah cam tempurung kelapa..ciannyer...nyesal plak potong..aku yg gatal tgn sb nampak cam dier panas sgt pastu rambut da nak masuk mata..aku potong rambut dier 2 bln sblm ni tapi sampai skang pendek lagi...n imagine la rambut dier pendek camana masa aku potong tue...
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Mengapa Wanita Sangat Istiwewa?
saya terbaca artikel ni..nak kongsi ngan korang..
Mama dan Papa sedang menonton TV, seraya mama berkata. "i letih la.. dah lewat ni, i nak tido lah...." Mama pun pegi dapur nak tutup tingkap dapur, nanti masuk pulak lipas... leceh pulak nanti..dah tu, ade pulak rice cooker dalam sink.. rendam lepas makan tadi..basuh jap... susun pinggan kat rak, lap dapur, terpercik kena sambal masa masak tadi... check air panas dalam flusk. takut habis pulak nanti malam anak nak susu... memang dah kering pun flusk ni, jerang la air... sementara tunggu air masak, nampak pulak bekas gula dah kosong.... salin la gula... check bubur untuk anak nak hantar ke taska esok. nasib baik ade lagi... ishh... ni lauk bila ni, semalam... dah beku dah... basuh la kejap.... pegi yard, masukkan baju kotor dalam mesin basuh... penat dah ni, besok je la basuh... sidai kaian lap je lah...
tik... bunyi air dah masak... salin air dalam flusk...ok settle... baru teringat tak semayang lagi... on da way nak g bilik, papa tgk tv lagi... nampak pulak beg anak untuk hantar ke taska... check... baju 2 pasang, towel... towel kecik utk selsema... calamine lotion untuk sapu ruam...pampers 4 keping.... alamak. telupa pulak masukkan botol... basuh botol jap...ok settle...
ternampak pulak beg g keje... emm.. besok nak pakai beg polo coklat lah, asik2 pakai beg hitam ni je... salin jap barang2 g beg coklat... cek sume 6 poket beg, takut la tetinggal apa2. leceh pulak. selalunya barang yang tertinggal tu la yang nak pakai nanti... hishhh sempit la beg ni... hangin je... nak kena beli ni beg baru... rasenya 25 hb ni Sogo sale nih... mana flyers tadi ek... ha ni die. ok, catit jap kat yellow sticker, nanti lupa..ok settle...
Tetiba dengar suara papa... "u buat apa lagi tu..tadi kata nak tido?" "...yelah nak tido la ni.. nak smayang jap..." masuk toilet. buat apa2 yang patut... cuci muka dulu. 2 jenis lak tu... adoi. gosok gigi... smayang... pakai toner... pakai treatment cream... nak lawa and maintain punya pasal lah ni... nanti orang kata baru anak satu dah macam anak 4 pulak... huhuhuhu... bukak almari... emmm... pakai baju hijau ni lah besok... gosok kejap. check baju papa, baju papa pun kena gosok jugak ni... kat bilik belakang... la, napa komputer ni tak tutup ni? gelas kopi pun ade lagi, dah bersemut dah. ishhh... gi dapur, basuh, sambung gosok baju... gantung elok2... kemaskan baju gantung2... masukkan seluar papa yang dah kotor dalam tempat kotor... ok settle.
dgr suara papa lagi "...i dah ngantuk ni.." dalam pada nak masuk ke bilik... owh...p okok aku dah nak mati ni ha.. lupa dah 3 hari tak siram... ok, siram jap... check jap pintu ni... sah tak kunci lagi... grill pun tak tutup. ni kalau tak check ni, senang2 je mat indon masuk rompak umah aku... bukak lampu luar.
ni mainan ni sepah2... masukkan la dalam bakul mainan budak ni... banyaknya... sampai bawah meja makan pun ade... adoi....ok dah. ok dah boleh baring... adoi sakitnya pinggang... cium si comel ni kejap... selimutkan die... la. napa basah ni... emm, tukar la pempers ni... tak bagus la brand ni, nanti nak tukar lain la... nanti gi Sogo 25 hb ni beli la skali... ok sayang tido k... kalau boleh jangan la bangun tgh malam ni eh. tido sampai pagi k... gud nite... sweet dreams...
aaahh... sedapnya dapat baring... mana pulak lotion sapu kurus aku nih... ha, ni dia... sambil sapu lotion kurus. setkan alarm... setkan program kerja besok... pg kul 9.30 ade meeting. ahh... boring... panas pulak lotion nih. dah la... emm... sedapnya lelapkan mata... Ya Allah... terima kasih untuk rezekiMU hari ini... mohon keberkatan dari mu tuhan... papa pun bangun tutup tv "...i dah ngantuk sangat ni... nak tido lah... citer pun tak best malam ni, bola pun takde..." selang seminit ... dengar suara papa berkeruh... dah agak dah....
So? apa yang peliknya..? Anda tahu kenapa wanita hidup lebih lama? SEBAB ADE BANYAK KERJA NAK KENA BUAT. tu yang tak boleh nak mati cepat tu.
Mama dan Papa sedang menonton TV, seraya mama berkata. "i letih la.. dah lewat ni, i nak tido lah...." Mama pun pegi dapur nak tutup tingkap dapur, nanti masuk pulak lipas... leceh pulak nanti..dah tu, ade pulak rice cooker dalam sink.. rendam lepas makan tadi..basuh jap... susun pinggan kat rak, lap dapur, terpercik kena sambal masa masak tadi... check air panas dalam flusk. takut habis pulak nanti malam anak nak susu... memang dah kering pun flusk ni, jerang la air... sementara tunggu air masak, nampak pulak bekas gula dah kosong.... salin la gula... check bubur untuk anak nak hantar ke taska esok. nasib baik ade lagi... ishh... ni lauk bila ni, semalam... dah beku dah... basuh la kejap.... pegi yard, masukkan baju kotor dalam mesin basuh... penat dah ni, besok je la basuh... sidai kaian lap je lah...
tik... bunyi air dah masak... salin air dalam flusk...ok settle... baru teringat tak semayang lagi... on da way nak g bilik, papa tgk tv lagi... nampak pulak beg anak untuk hantar ke taska... check... baju 2 pasang, towel... towel kecik utk selsema... calamine lotion untuk sapu ruam...pampers 4 keping.... alamak. telupa pulak masukkan botol... basuh botol jap...ok settle...
ternampak pulak beg g keje... emm.. besok nak pakai beg polo coklat lah, asik2 pakai beg hitam ni je... salin jap barang2 g beg coklat... cek sume 6 poket beg, takut la tetinggal apa2. leceh pulak. selalunya barang yang tertinggal tu la yang nak pakai nanti... hishhh sempit la beg ni... hangin je... nak kena beli ni beg baru... rasenya 25 hb ni Sogo sale nih... mana flyers tadi ek... ha ni die. ok, catit jap kat yellow sticker, nanti lupa..ok settle...
Tetiba dengar suara papa... "u buat apa lagi tu..tadi kata nak tido?" "...yelah nak tido la ni.. nak smayang jap..." masuk toilet. buat apa2 yang patut... cuci muka dulu. 2 jenis lak tu... adoi. gosok gigi... smayang... pakai toner... pakai treatment cream... nak lawa and maintain punya pasal lah ni... nanti orang kata baru anak satu dah macam anak 4 pulak... huhuhuhu... bukak almari... emmm... pakai baju hijau ni lah besok... gosok kejap. check baju papa, baju papa pun kena gosok jugak ni... kat bilik belakang... la, napa komputer ni tak tutup ni? gelas kopi pun ade lagi, dah bersemut dah. ishhh... gi dapur, basuh, sambung gosok baju... gantung elok2... kemaskan baju gantung2... masukkan seluar papa yang dah kotor dalam tempat kotor... ok settle.
dgr suara papa lagi "...i dah ngantuk ni.." dalam pada nak masuk ke bilik... owh...p okok aku dah nak mati ni ha.. lupa dah 3 hari tak siram... ok, siram jap... check jap pintu ni... sah tak kunci lagi... grill pun tak tutup. ni kalau tak check ni, senang2 je mat indon masuk rompak umah aku... bukak lampu luar.
ni mainan ni sepah2... masukkan la dalam bakul mainan budak ni... banyaknya... sampai bawah meja makan pun ade... adoi....ok dah. ok dah boleh baring... adoi sakitnya pinggang... cium si comel ni kejap... selimutkan die... la. napa basah ni... emm, tukar la pempers ni... tak bagus la brand ni, nanti nak tukar lain la... nanti gi Sogo 25 hb ni beli la skali... ok sayang tido k... kalau boleh jangan la bangun tgh malam ni eh. tido sampai pagi k... gud nite... sweet dreams...
aaahh... sedapnya dapat baring... mana pulak lotion sapu kurus aku nih... ha, ni dia... sambil sapu lotion kurus. setkan alarm... setkan program kerja besok... pg kul 9.30 ade meeting. ahh... boring... panas pulak lotion nih. dah la... emm... sedapnya lelapkan mata... Ya Allah... terima kasih untuk rezekiMU hari ini... mohon keberkatan dari mu tuhan... papa pun bangun tutup tv "...i dah ngantuk sangat ni... nak tido lah... citer pun tak best malam ni, bola pun takde..." selang seminit ... dengar suara papa berkeruh... dah agak dah....
So? apa yang peliknya..? Anda tahu kenapa wanita hidup lebih lama? SEBAB ADE BANYAK KERJA NAK KENA BUAT. tu yang tak boleh nak mati cepat tu.
Lahirnya Aina Adreanna....
i want to share my true experience about how i feel towards my baby. about being a mom. and about how my life has change since the birth of my daughter.
when the doctor told me that i was pregnant, i was shocked. i was not ready to be a mom.but i feel happy for my husband bcoz he very excited.i just worried can’t give the best for my baby. in fact i am still not ready to be a mom. i had morning sickness (it was more like evening sickness actually) and my body was going through a lot of pain during the pregnancy and delivery. i was feeling exhausted and sick and tired of going to work with this belly of mine growing heavier as days went by. i couldn't wear almost all my clothes and i missed my tees and jeans so much. oh goodness, the stretch marks made me feel ugly and unattractive. the whole experience made me feel really, really ugly. i was fat.my weight becomes 68 kg from 48 kg..my god! like balloon with full of water..n now my weight was 50kg..i can’t get by weight back..
and then the next excruciating experience was the delivery. so what i heard about delivery is true - it was bloody painful and makes you realize that you owe so much to the person whom you call Ma. the pain was ruling my body and mind. oh, the contractions were just the beginning. the most painful part was when the baby was coming out through the birth canal and when the doc cut me down there and stitched them up later.n then cut out the placenta was the worst paint.my placenta membrane was ragged n my god!! i remember 4 @ 5 people (doctor n nurse) put their hand and try 2 take a piece of membrane there.. i can’t describe how horrible I felt that time.after that i told myself that don’t want to delivary @ normal process again n just operation n i just feel the pain after delivary..crazy isn’t.next painful process was the recovery period. for almost three weeks the pain from the stitches was still there. confinement period was not a great moment either.went i pregnant, i think that was great holiday bcoz can have a great time with my mum n family..made me cranky and wished i could transfer all these pain and responsibilities to someone else.
my daughter was born on 08 june 2008 with weigth 3.8kg. she came into this world at 07.20 am .i was expecting a baby gurl since i was pregnant bcoz i just find a girl's name during pregnancy but my husband want a baby boy. my husband thought the name Adreanna was gorgeous n he also want to put my name.. so, our daughter's name is Aina Adreanna Bt Abd Razak. we call her Dina coz it mean 'keagamaan'. praise the Lord for blessing me with this perfect angel. Dina was healthy and cute and adorable. i have to admit that she is like an angel because taking care of her is easy, unlike some babies who are fussy and have complications during and after delivery.
nobody said it was easy. For the 2 month,my sleeps are interrupted. i am always "on-call". less time for yourself -.n i became very ugly bcoz don’t have time.my life has change completly. I feel very sad bcoz I not like before anymore.not slim like before.i had a stretch mark.loss my hair.n ect.but as days went by i learned to accept the fact that whatever i am but i have a cute little gurl.i’m glad to get Aina Adreanna in my life.. i began to fall in love with Dina gradually and the love keeps on growing deeper and deeper. well, sometimes the pressure was too hard to handle and makes me go nuts. but hey, that's totally normal for every mom to experience it - i told myself. the pregnancy, the delivery and the fact that i have become a mom made me love my parents even more and appreciate the sacrifices they have made to raise me and my brother. Dina is my wake-up call. she opens my eyes and shows me reality. she is my little angel. my sweet cupcake. i would kill that person if he/she ever tries to take Dina from me!
i started to fall in love with my baby when i saw her smiles and heard her cries. her smiles melts my heart while her cries wrecks my heart. her pain is my pain. another thing that makes my baby Dina precious is the fact that not everybody can be a parent. Allah is Great. i am among those who are selected to be able to conceive an offspring and become a parent. i am so glad i could get pregnant and gave birth to my own flesh and blood. unlike some unfortunate couples, they would do anything to have baby. they have to try so hard for so many years to have a baby. and there are some who are destined to be childless for the whole life. those experience which i described as being horrible and painful and excruciating has changed into an experience i would never forget. it has become an experience that i treasure and appreciate.
so here we are now. the three of us - Mummy, Daddy and Dina. my family. my love. my life. my treasures.
when the doctor told me that i was pregnant, i was shocked. i was not ready to be a mom.but i feel happy for my husband bcoz he very excited.i just worried can’t give the best for my baby. in fact i am still not ready to be a mom. i had morning sickness (it was more like evening sickness actually) and my body was going through a lot of pain during the pregnancy and delivery. i was feeling exhausted and sick and tired of going to work with this belly of mine growing heavier as days went by. i couldn't wear almost all my clothes and i missed my tees and jeans so much. oh goodness, the stretch marks made me feel ugly and unattractive. the whole experience made me feel really, really ugly. i was fat.my weight becomes 68 kg from 48 kg..my god! like balloon with full of water..n now my weight was 50kg..i can’t get by weight back..
and then the next excruciating experience was the delivery. so what i heard about delivery is true - it was bloody painful and makes you realize that you owe so much to the person whom you call Ma. the pain was ruling my body and mind. oh, the contractions were just the beginning. the most painful part was when the baby was coming out through the birth canal and when the doc cut me down there and stitched them up later.n then cut out the placenta was the worst paint.my placenta membrane was ragged n my god!! i remember 4 @ 5 people (doctor n nurse) put their hand and try 2 take a piece of membrane there.. i can’t describe how horrible I felt that time.after that i told myself that don’t want to delivary @ normal process again n just operation n i just feel the pain after delivary..crazy isn’t.next painful process was the recovery period. for almost three weeks the pain from the stitches was still there. confinement period was not a great moment either.went i pregnant, i think that was great holiday bcoz can have a great time with my mum n family..made me cranky and wished i could transfer all these pain and responsibilities to someone else.
my daughter was born on 08 june 2008 with weigth 3.8kg. she came into this world at 07.20 am .i was expecting a baby gurl since i was pregnant bcoz i just find a girl's name during pregnancy but my husband want a baby boy. my husband thought the name Adreanna was gorgeous n he also want to put my name.. so, our daughter's name is Aina Adreanna Bt Abd Razak. we call her Dina coz it mean 'keagamaan'. praise the Lord for blessing me with this perfect angel. Dina was healthy and cute and adorable. i have to admit that she is like an angel because taking care of her is easy, unlike some babies who are fussy and have complications during and after delivery.
nobody said it was easy. For the 2 month,my sleeps are interrupted. i am always "on-call". less time for yourself -.n i became very ugly bcoz don’t have time.my life has change completly. I feel very sad bcoz I not like before anymore.not slim like before.i had a stretch mark.loss my hair.n ect.but as days went by i learned to accept the fact that whatever i am but i have a cute little gurl.i’m glad to get Aina Adreanna in my life.. i began to fall in love with Dina gradually and the love keeps on growing deeper and deeper. well, sometimes the pressure was too hard to handle and makes me go nuts. but hey, that's totally normal for every mom to experience it - i told myself. the pregnancy, the delivery and the fact that i have become a mom made me love my parents even more and appreciate the sacrifices they have made to raise me and my brother. Dina is my wake-up call. she opens my eyes and shows me reality. she is my little angel. my sweet cupcake. i would kill that person if he/she ever tries to take Dina from me!
i started to fall in love with my baby when i saw her smiles and heard her cries. her smiles melts my heart while her cries wrecks my heart. her pain is my pain. another thing that makes my baby Dina precious is the fact that not everybody can be a parent. Allah is Great. i am among those who are selected to be able to conceive an offspring and become a parent. i am so glad i could get pregnant and gave birth to my own flesh and blood. unlike some unfortunate couples, they would do anything to have baby. they have to try so hard for so many years to have a baby. and there are some who are destined to be childless for the whole life. those experience which i described as being horrible and painful and excruciating has changed into an experience i would never forget. it has become an experience that i treasure and appreciate.
so here we are now. the three of us - Mummy, Daddy and Dina. my family. my love. my life. my treasures.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
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